How a Business Analyst helps in delivering smooth software projects

How a Business Analyst helps in delivering smooth software projects

A Business Analyst is hired in order to analyze the business activities of a business and offer the best solutions for the workflows and business processes. A Business analyst helps to bring business goals and technology together and craft optimum utilization to achieve growth. Today software implementation is key for any business either small or large. Without proper software, in place, an organization may not grow at a fast pace. Be it small accounting software or an ERP solution. Hiring a Business Analyst helps you to achieve delivering smooth software projects.

In any organization, there are at least 4 levels where a Business analyst can play his role.

  1. Analyzing the business or organizational strategic needs through Strategic planning
  2. Analysis of an economic model for any operations in a business.
  3. Defining processes and business process Modeling
  4. Information technology business analysis through the implementation and delivery of the best technologies.

For any life support systems development life cycle, business analyst links themselves within the commercial side of the enterprise and the service provider for the business. A business analyst in an IT sector can be called a system analyst or process analyst although these titles are different the skills required are of a Business Analyst. The role of a Business Analyst is broader apart from being an analyst as a BA is capable of taking problems and offering a powerful strategy to resolve the problems.

Benefits of Business Analysts in software projects implementation & Development

Business Analyst plays an important role in software development projects. They communicate directly with each department and understand the mission-critical processes of the business and problems faced currently. Through problem identification, a proper tool can be selected in order to streamline business processes and workflows.

Business Analyst help in selecting the proper tool and implementing it with the help of technical and functional developers. He understands where the problems have been faced by the company and which solution can help them in proper growth.
Software implementation can be tricky and there are various tools available in the market to choose from based on the problems faced by a business.

For example: If the sales management is not proper then there may be a need of implementing a CRM solution. Whereas in case the whole process is not gaining growth an ERP software implementation would be helpful. This understanding and input by a Business analyst help to take an organization better decisions on the software development process.

During the implementation of the selection phase – A business analyst can understand the functionalities of the software from various vendors. This helps the company to get better software selected and also understanding of how much out of box features and customizations are needed.

The business analyst can adjust the structure and formalise the requirements of each process. A good Business Analyst helps in analyzing various risk involved in software development and remove the communication barriers between the stakeholders and developers of an organization.

Being a business analyst there are many benefits you bring to the table. Some of them include technical analysis of business topics and strategic planning in order to smoothen the business workflows. As a BA you form and record complex issues and offer solutions to the problems in an organization.

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